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Sep 23, 2019

Darcy Vogt Williams is the head band director at Stiles Middle School in Leander, Texas. She is also a host of the After Sectionals podcast and the author or co-author of three books on education: Count Me In, Teaching Rhythm Logically and Pacing for Success: Beginner Band.


  • Darcy’s superhero origin story as the daughter of two musicians who went to college to be an architect before discovering that music was her true calling.
  • Teaching Rhythm Logically
  • Darcy’s relationship with her father who was also her high school band director and the importance of making each student feel really confident and important to the band’s success.
  • The band program at Stiles Middle School, in defense of ability splitting large beginner classes, front loading music theory, and the importance of teaching beginners.



Darcy Williams is the head band director at Stiles Middle School. Born to parents who met in their beginner trombone class, Darcy is 100% a product of the Texas music system. Her own musical education began in her father’s band hall in Harper, Texas where she spent her afternoons learning to play any instrument she could find in the storage closet while waiting to go home. Darcy received her Bachelor of Music in 2004 from West Texas A&M University.

Mrs. Williams bands have performed at The Midwest Clinic in Chicago, the Western International Band Clinic in Seattle, and are consistently state finalists in the TMEA Honor Band contest. In addition to teaching

In addition to teaching Mrs. Williams clinics both students and music educators across the United States. She is the author of two books on education: Teaching Rhythm Logically and Pacing for Success: Beginner Band.

Darcy is married to John Vogt, and together they have a future All-State Band member - their daughter Caroline - and 2 spoiled fur babies, Lucy and Cloey.